La journée internationale du podcast avec le célèbre Dave Jackson! | E009

La journée internationale du podcast avec le célèbre Dave Jackson! | E009

Aujourd’hui, c’est un épisode spécial puisque c’est la journée internationale du podcast! Pour l’occasion, j’ai pensé inviter rien de moins qu’un membre du Temple de la renommée du podcast et j’ai nommé M. Dave Jackson, à venir s’entretenir avec nous! En novembre 2005,  Dave Jackson lance The School of podcasting (un site proposant des cours pas à pas sur la manière de créer des podcasts). Cela a conduit à d’autres sites et services liés au podcasting, notamment Podcast Mechanic (conseil), Podcast Clicks (promotion), Learn to Subscribe (tutoriel gratuit pour les auditeurs) et Planning Your Podcast (tutoriels gratuits) entre autre. Il anime aujourd’hui 11 podcasts, Ask the podcast coach, School of podcasting, Logical Weight loss podcast, Podcast rodeo, Ask the podcast coach, Building a better Dave, More podcast money, Because of my podcast, The history of the shooter band, Your podcast consultant, Alexa Cast, et Podcast review show! Comme pour les autres intervenants anglophones, je traduirai en français ce qui a été dit après l’entrevue. Bonne écoute!

Les questions (en anglais) posées à Dave Jackson au cours de l’entretien:

  1. Back in 2005, how have you been presented to the podcasting world and how did it all started up? 
  2. Starting from that point, what is different to your opinion, when you compare 2005 podcasters to 2018 podcasters you see throught the event you attend and throught your audience?
  3. In last episode of School of podcasting with Danny Pena as your guest, you told we must go after the 83% still not listening to podcast weekly. In fact this is our homework for the week. How do YOU present podcasting to someone who don’t know what is a podcast is and how do you bring them to listen to ons of your podcasts?
  4. Since 2005, you must had seen a lot of dumb and crazy things taking place around podcasting. What is the craziest thing you’ve seen in your career so far?
  5. A lot of the audience is either just starting their podcasting journey or still thinking of wether they sould launch a podcast or not. What would be the single one advice an Hall of Famer, 13 years experience podcaster like Dace Jackson would give to a new podcaster in 2018?
  6. There’s a lot of challenges new podcasters are facing when tehy decide to launch their podcast. What is the biggest one a 2018 podcaster is facing to your opinion?
  7. Today is the international podcasting day. What does it mean to you, a guy who is hosting 11 podcasts and who is working in the podcasting industry since 13 years now…
Utilisation du “hashtag” pour la journée internationale du podcasting est le #internationalpodcastday

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